The Electric Maze Optical Illusion
Maze of an off-centered optical illusion of an electrical swirl
If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the
Electric Optical Illusion maze solution Top 10 places to download the Electric Optical Illusion Maze
- Electricl Swirl Maze on Devian Art
- Electric Swirl off center Maze on Flickr
- Electric Swirl Maze TwitPic
- Electric Optical Illusion Maze on Photobucket
- Electric Swirl Maze on Saatchi Online
- Electric Swirl Maze on Live Journal
- Electric Swirl Maze on Picassa
- Electric Swirl Maze on Red Bubble
- More Optical Illusion Mazes
Rorschach Maze
What you see in this maze is created by your imagination depending on your personality and mood.
Some see a sun, a moon, a face, a bugs face, a happy bug, and much more.
Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lowe right.
If you find that this maze is a bit to hard for you, you can check out the
Maze solution for Rorschach maze Top 12 Places to download the Rorschach maze
- Rorschach Maze on Devian Art
- Maze Rorschach on Fine Art America
- Rorschach Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Rorschach TwitPic
- Maze of Rorschach on Photobucket
- Rorschach Maze on Saatchi Online
- Rorschach Maze on Live Journal
- Rorschach Maze on Picassa
- RorschachMaze on Red Bubble
- More optical illusion mazes
Swirly Tunnel Optical Illusion Maze

Maze of a tunnel swirling in various directions and making it harder to solve
Maze begins in the upper left corner and exits in the lower right.
If you get too dizzy and can't solve the maze,
don you worry about all the haze
Just click right here and your problems resolved
Alas the vortex tunnel spinning maze is solved
Top 10 Places to download Vortex Spin Tunnel Maze:
- Vortex Spin Maze on Devian Art
- Maze of Tunnel Vortex Spin on Fine Art America
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Tunnel Vortex on TwitPic
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Saatchi Online
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Picassa
- Vortex Spinning Maze on Red Bubble
- More Optical Illusion Mazes
Paparazzi Maze Optical Illusion of camera flash.
This maze was inspired by how I imagine the famous must feel being chased after by flashing cameras
You may not be able to solve the paparazzi problems in the world, but you can solve this maze.
And if you can't solve the maze, you can visit the
Paparazzi Maze Solution
Top Twelve Places to Download The Paparazzi Maze
- Paparazzi Maze on Devian Art
- Paparazzi Maze on Fine Art America
- Paparazzi Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Paparazzi Maze on TwitPic
- Paparazzi Maze on Photobucket
- Paparazzi Maze on Saatchi Online
- Paparazzi Maze on Live Journal
- Paparazzi Maze on Picassa
- Paparazzi Maze on Red Bubble
More Optical Illusion Mazes